by Darien Land Trust | May 10, 2014 | Events, Of Interest
The birds are back! The DLT sponsored a spring bird walk in Dunlap/Selleck’s Woods on May 10, 2014. During this time of the spring migration, swarms of birds in brilliantly colored breeding plumage are seen filling woodlands and parks with their beautiful spring...
by Darien Land Trust | Aug 1, 2013 | News, Of Interest
August is a great month to observe butterflies and moths on our properties. This gorgeous Eastern tiger swallowtail was seen in our “butterfly walk” at Dunlap Woods. Here, native host plants are encouraged to grow to provide food for larva and adult...
by Darien Land Trust | Jun 15, 2013 | News, Of Interest
Check out our Spring Newsletter! Click Here
by Darien Land Trust | Jun 13, 2013 | News, Of Interest
After two recent land acquisitions the Darien Land Trust (DLT) now has more than nearly 220 acres of open space under its protection. The first acquisition is a six-acre conservation easement from the Ox Ridge Hunt Club (ORHC). This conservation easement is at the...
by Darien Land Trust | May 29, 2013 | News, Of Interest
The Darien Land Trust is half way through a four-year project to restore an ancient herring migration route up the Noroton River that was interrupted by the construction of I-95 in the 1950s. Herring (in our case Alewives) are anadromous, living most of their lives in...