Interactive Map Properties The Darien Land Trust currently protects more than nearly 220 acres of open space in Darien. In all, 168 acres are owned by the Land Trust and 33 acres are protected by conservation easements. All these properties will remain as open space FOREVER. Our protected lands are in locations throughout Darien. From historic meadows and tidal wetlands to leafy woodlands and inland wetlands, we are stewards of all Darien’s representative habitats. Most of these properties are small or need prior permission from our Executive Director to access them. We are pleased to provide open access to the public from dawn to dusk on three of our larger properties: Olson Woods at Heather Lane, Brookside Road at Cherry Lawn Park (behind the Nature Center), and Dunlap Woods (attached to the Town of Darien’s Selleck’s Woods nature preserve) at Parklands Drive. These properties and others are used by different Darien groups such as the Boy Scouts, the Nature Center, the Darien elementary schools, and the Bio Blitz for walks and nature study. We encourage residents to use our properties for painting, walking, birdin,g and the quiet enjoyment of nature. We rely on visitors and neighbors to be our eyes and ears on the Land Trust properties for vandalism and trespassing but also to report bird and wildlife sightings. We want you to care for our properties as much as we do! Contact our Executive Director, Elizabeth Harmon at 203.655.4148 or for permission to enter the Darien Land Trust properties. For emergencies contact DLT Co-president John O’Brien 203.253.5974. Here you can create the content that will be used within the module. Link Module Link URL: When clicked the module will link to this URL. 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Background Image Repeat: No RepeatRepeatRepeat X (horizontal)Repeat Y (vertical)SpaceRound If the background image is smaller than the size of the element, you may want the image to repeat. This result will result in a background image pattern. Background Image Blend: NormalMultiplyScreenOverlayDarkenLightenColor DodgeColor BurnHard LightSoft LightDifferenceExclusionHueSaturationColorLuminosity Background images can be blended with the background color, merging the two and creating unique effects. Background Video MP4: All videos should be uploaded in both .MP4 .WEBM formats to ensure maximum compatibility in all browsers. Upload the .MP4 version here. Background Video Webm: All videos should be uploaded in both .MP4 .WEBM formats to ensure maximum compatibility in all browsers. Upload the .WEBM version here. Background Video Width: Desktop Tablet Smartphone In order for videos to be sized correctly, you must input the exact width (in pixels) of your video here. Background Video Height: Desktop Tablet Smartphone In order for videos to be sized correctly, you must input the exact height (in pixels) of your video here. Pause Video When Another Video Plays: Yes No NoYes Allow video to be paused by other players when they begin playing Pause Video While Not In View: Yes No NoYes Allow video to be paused while it is not in the visible area. Admin Label Admin Label: This will change the label of the module in the builder for easy identification. Text Text Font: Recent Uploaded Default Georgia Times New Roman Arial Trebuchet Verdana ABeeZee Abel Abhaya Libre Abril Fatface Aclonica Acme Actor Adamina Advent Pro Aguafina Script Akronim Aladin Aldrich Alef Alegreya Alegreya SC Alegreya Sans Alegreya Sans SC Alex Brush Alfa Slab One Alice Alike Alike Angular Allan Allerta Allerta Stencil Allura Almendra Almendra Display Almendra SC Amarante Amaranth Amatic SC Amethysta Amiko Amiri Amita Anaheim Andada Andika Angkor Annie Use Your Telescope Anonymous Pro Antic Antic Didone Antic Slab Anton Arapey Arbutus Arbutus Slab Architects Daughter Archivo Archivo Black Archivo Narrow Aref Ruqaa Arima Madurai Arimo Arizonia Armata Arsenal Artifika Arvo Arya Asap Asap Condensed Asar Asset Assistant Astloch Asul Athiti Atma Atomic Age Aubrey Audiowide Autour One Average Average Sans Averia Gruesa Libre Averia Libre Averia Sans Libre Averia Serif Libre Bad Script Bahiana Baloo Baloo Bhai Baloo Bhaijaan Baloo Bhaina Baloo Chettan Baloo Da Baloo Paaji Baloo Tamma Baloo Tammudu Baloo Thambi Balthazar Bangers Barrio Basic Battambang Baumans Bayon Belgrano Bellefair Belleza BenchNine Bentham Berkshire Swash Bevan Bigelow Rules Bigshot One Bilbo Bilbo Swash Caps BioRhyme BioRhyme Expanded Biryani Bitter Black Ops One Bokor Bonbon Boogaloo Bowlby One Bowlby One SC Brawler Bree Serif Bubblegum Sans Bubbler One Buda Buenard Bungee Bungee Hairline Bungee Inline Bungee Outline Bungee Shade Butcherman Butterfly Kids Cabin Cabin Condensed Cabin Sketch Caesar Dressing Cagliostro Cairo Calligraffitti Cambay Cambo Candal Cantarell Cantata One Cantora One Capriola Cardo Carme Carrois Gothic Carrois Gothic SC Carter One Catamaran Caudex Caveat Caveat Brush Cedarville Cursive Ceviche One Changa Changa One Chango Chathura Chau Philomene One Chela One Chelsea Market Chenla Cherry Cream Soda Cherry Swash Chewy Chicle Chivo Chonburi Cinzel Cinzel Decorative Clicker Script Coda Coda Caption Codystar Coiny Combo Comfortaa Coming Soon Concert One Condiment Content Contrail One Convergence Cookie Copse Corben Cormorant Cormorant Garamond Cormorant Infant Cormorant SC Cormorant Unicase Cormorant Upright Courgette Cousine Coustard Covered By Your Grace Crafty Girls Creepster Crete Round Crimson Text Croissant One Crushed Cuprum Cutive Cutive Mono Damion Dancing Script Dangrek David Libre Dawning of a New Day Days One Dekko Delius Delius Swash Caps Delius Unicase Della Respira Denk One Devonshire Dhurjati Didact Gothic Diplomata Diplomata SC Domine Donegal One Doppio One Dorsa Dosis Dr Sugiyama Droid Sans Droid Sans Mono Droid Serif Duru Sans Dynalight EB Garamond Eagle Lake Eater Economica Eczar El Messiri Electrolize Elsie Elsie Swash Caps Emblema One Emilys Candy Encode Sans Encode Sans Condensed Encode Sans Expanded Encode Sans Semi Condensed Encode Sans Semi Expanded Engagement Englebert Enriqueta Erica One Esteban Euphoria Script Ewert Exo Exo 2 Expletus Sans Fanwood Text Farsan Fascinate Fascinate Inline Faster One Fasthand Fauna One Faustina Federant Federo Felipa Fenix Finger Paint Fira Mono Fira Sans Fira Sans Condensed Fira Sans Extra Condensed Fjalla One Fjord One Flamenco Flavors Fondamento Fontdiner Swanky Forum Francois One Frank Ruhl Libre Freckle Face Fredericka the Great Fredoka One Freehand Fresca Frijole Fruktur Fugaz One GFS Didot GFS Neohellenic Gabriela Gafata Galada Galdeano Galindo Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Geo Geostar Geostar Fill Germania One Gidugu Gilda Display Give You Glory Glass Antiqua Glegoo Gloria Hallelujah Goblin One Gochi Hand Gorditas Goudy Bookletter 1911 Graduate Grand Hotel Gravitas One Great Vibes Griffy Gruppo Gudea Gurajada Habibi Halant Hammersmith One Hanalei Hanalei Fill Handlee Hanuman Happy Monkey Harmattan Headland One Heebo Henny Penny Herr Von Muellerhoff Hind Hind Guntur Hind Madurai Hind Siliguri Hind Vadodara Holtwood One SC Homemade Apple Homenaje IM Fell DW Pica IM Fell DW Pica SC IM Fell Double Pica IM Fell Double Pica SC IM Fell English IM Fell English SC IM Fell French Canon IM Fell French Canon SC IM Fell Great Primer IM Fell Great Primer SC Iceberg Iceland Imprima Inconsolata Inder Indie Flower Inika Inknut Antiqua Irish Grover Istok Web Italiana Italianno Itim Jacques Francois Jacques Francois Shadow Jaldi Jim Nightshade Jockey One Jolly Lodger Jomhuria Josefin Sans Josefin Slab Joti One Judson Julee Julius Sans One Junge Jura Just Another Hand Just Me Again Down Here Kadwa Kalam Kameron Kanit Kantumruy Karla Karma Katibeh Kaushan Script Kavivanar Kavoon Kdam Thmor Keania One Kelly Slab Kenia Khand Khmer Khula Kite One Knewave Kotta One Koulen Kranky Kreon Kristi Krona One Kumar One Kumar One Outline Kurale La Belle Aurore Laila Lakki Reddy Lalezar Lancelot Lateef Lato League Script Leckerli One Ledger Lekton Lemon Lemonada Libre Barcode 128 Libre Barcode 128 Text Libre Barcode 39 Libre Barcode 39 Extended Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text Libre Barcode 39 Text Libre Baskerville Libre Franklin Life Savers Lilita One Lily Script One Limelight Linden Hill Lobster Lobster Two Londrina Outline Londrina Shadow Londrina Sketch Londrina Solid Lora Love Ya Like A Sister Loved by the King Lovers Quarrel Luckiest Guy Lusitana Lustria Macondo Macondo Swash Caps Mada Magra Maiden Orange Maitree Mako Mallanna Mandali Manuale Marcellus Marcellus SC Marck Script Margarine Marko One Marmelad Martel Martel Sans Marvel Mate Mate SC Maven Pro McLaren Meddon MedievalSharp Medula One Meera Inimai Megrim Meie Script Merienda Merienda One Merriweather Merriweather Sans Metal Metal Mania Metamorphous Metrophobic Michroma Milonga Miltonian Miltonian Tattoo Miniver Miriam Libre Mirza Miss Fajardose Mitr Modak Modern Antiqua Mogra Molengo Molle Monda Monofett Monoton Monsieur La Doulaise Montaga Montez Montserrat Montserrat Alternates Montserrat Subrayada Moul Moulpali Mountains of Christmas Mouse Memoirs Mr Bedfort Mr Dafoe Mr De Haviland Mrs Saint Delafield Mrs Sheppards Mukta Mukta Mahee Mukta Malar Mukta Vaani Muli Mystery Quest NTR Neucha Neuton New Rocker News Cycle Niconne Nixie One Nobile Nokora Norican Nosifer Nothing You Could Do Noticia Text Noto Sans Noto Serif Nova Cut Nova Flat Nova Mono Nova Oval Nova Round Nova Script Nova Slim Nova Square Numans Nunito Nunito Sans Odor Mean Chey Offside Old Standard TT Oldenburg Oleo Script Oleo Script Swash Caps Open Sans Open Sans Condensed Oranienbaum Orbitron Oregano Orienta Original Surfer Oswald Over the Rainbow Overlock Overlock SC Overpass Overpass Mono Ovo Oxygen Oxygen Mono PT Mono PT Sans PT Sans Caption PT Sans Narrow PT Serif PT Serif Caption Pacifico Padauk Palanquin Palanquin Dark Pangolin Paprika Parisienne Passero One Passion One Pathway Gothic One Patrick Hand Patrick Hand SC Pattaya Patua One Pavanam Paytone One Peddana Peralta Permanent Marker Petit Formal Script Petrona Philosopher Piedra Pinyon Script Pirata One Plaster Play Playball Playfair Display Playfair Display SC Podkova Poiret One Poller One Poly Pompiere Pontano Sans Poppins Port Lligat Sans Port Lligat Slab Pragati Narrow Prata Preahvihear Press Start 2P Pridi Princess Sofia Prociono Prompt Prosto One Proza Libre Puritan Purple Purse Quando Quantico Quattrocento Quattrocento Sans Questrial Quicksand Quintessential Qwigley Racing Sans One Radley Rajdhani Rakkas Raleway Raleway Dots Ramabhadra Ramaraja Rambla Rammetto One Ranchers Rancho Ranga Rasa Rationale Ravi Prakash Redressed Reem Kufi Reenie Beanie Revalia Rhodium Libre Ribeye Ribeye Marrow Righteous Risque Roboto Roboto Condensed Roboto Mono Roboto Slab Rochester Rock Salt Rokkitt Romanesco Ropa Sans Rosario Rosarivo Rouge Script Rozha One Rubik Rubik Mono One Ruda Rufina Ruge Boogie Ruluko Rum Raisin Ruslan Display Russo One Ruthie Rye Sacramento Sahitya Sail Saira Saira Condensed Saira Extra Condensed Saira Semi Condensed Salsa Sanchez Sancreek Sansita Sarala Sarina Sarpanch Satisfy Scada Scheherazade Schoolbell Scope One Seaweed Script Secular One Sedgwick Ave Sedgwick Ave Display Sevillana Seymour One Shadows Into Light Shadows Into Light Two Shanti Share Share Tech Share Tech Mono Shojumaru Short Stack Shrikhand Siemreap Sigmar One Signika Signika Negative Simonetta Sintony Sirin Stencil Six Caps Skranji Slabo 13px Slabo 27px Slackey Smokum Smythe Sniglet Snippet Snowburst One Sofadi One Sofia Sonsie One Sorts Mill Goudy Source Code Pro Source Sans Pro Source Serif Pro Space Mono Special Elite Spectral Spicy Rice Spinnaker Spirax Squada One Sree Krushnadevaraya Sriracha Stalemate Stalinist One Stardos Stencil Stint Ultra Condensed Stint Ultra Expanded Stoke Strait Sue Ellen Francisco Suez One Sumana Sunshiney Supermercado One Sura Suranna Suravaram Suwannaphum Swanky and Moo Moo Syncopate Tangerine Taprom Tauri Taviraj Teko Telex Tenali Ramakrishna Tenor Sans Text Me One The Girl Next Door Tienne Tillana Timmana Tinos Titan One Titillium Web Trade Winds Trirong Trocchi Trochut Trykker Tulpen One Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Ubuntu Mono Ultra Uncial Antiqua Underdog Unica One UnifrakturCook UnifrakturMaguntia Unkempt Unlock Unna VT323 Vampiro One Varela Varela Round Vast Shadow Vesper Libre Vibur Vidaloka Viga Voces Volkhov Vollkorn Voltaire Waiting for the Sunrise Wallpoet Walter Turncoat Warnes Wellfleet Wendy One Wire One Work Sans Yanone Kaffeesatz Yantramanav Yatra One Yellowtail Yeseva One Yesteryear Yrsa Zeyada Zilla Slab Zilla Slab Highlight Font Weight: ThinUltra LightLightRegularMediumSemi BoldBoldUltra BoldHeavy Font Style: Line Color: Choose Custom Color Line Style: soliddoubledotteddashedwavy Choose a custom font to use for the Text. All Google web fonts are available, or you can upload your own custom font files. Text Text Color: Choose Custom Color Pick a color to be used for the Text text. Text Text Size: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Increase or decrease the size of the Text text. Text Letter Spacing: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Letter spacing adjusts the distance between each letter in the Text. Text Line Height: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Line height adjusts the distance between each line of the Text text. This becomes noticeable if the Text is long and wraps onto multiple lines. Text Shadow: aA aA aA aA aA Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option. Text Shadow Horizontal Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text. Text Shadow Vertical Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text. Text Shadow Blur Strength: Desktop Tablet Smartphone The higher the value, the bigger the blur, the shadow becomes wider and lighter. Text Shadow Color: The color of the shadow. Text Alignment: LeftCenterRightJustified This controls how your text is aligned within the module. Text Color: LightDark Here you can choose whether your text should be light or dark. If you are working with a dark background, then your text should be light. If your background is light, then your text should be set to dark. Link Font: Recent Uploaded Default Georgia Times New Roman Arial Trebuchet Verdana ABeeZee Abel Abhaya Libre Abril Fatface Aclonica Acme Actor Adamina Advent Pro Aguafina Script Akronim Aladin Aldrich Alef Alegreya Alegreya SC Alegreya Sans Alegreya Sans SC Alex Brush Alfa Slab One Alice Alike Alike Angular Allan Allerta Allerta Stencil Allura Almendra Almendra Display Almendra SC Amarante Amaranth Amatic SC Amethysta Amiko Amiri Amita Anaheim Andada Andika Angkor Annie Use Your Telescope Anonymous Pro Antic Antic Didone Antic Slab Anton Arapey Arbutus Arbutus Slab Architects Daughter Archivo Archivo Black Archivo Narrow Aref Ruqaa Arima Madurai Arimo Arizonia Armata Arsenal Artifika Arvo Arya Asap Asap Condensed Asar Asset Assistant Astloch Asul Athiti Atma Atomic Age Aubrey Audiowide Autour One Average Average Sans Averia Gruesa Libre Averia Libre Averia Sans Libre Averia Serif Libre Bad Script Bahiana Baloo Baloo Bhai Baloo Bhaijaan Baloo Bhaina Baloo Chettan Baloo Da Baloo Paaji Baloo Tamma Baloo Tammudu Baloo Thambi Balthazar Bangers Barrio Basic Battambang Baumans Bayon Belgrano Bellefair Belleza BenchNine Bentham Berkshire Swash Bevan Bigelow Rules Bigshot One Bilbo Bilbo Swash Caps BioRhyme BioRhyme Expanded Biryani Bitter Black Ops One Bokor Bonbon Boogaloo Bowlby One Bowlby One SC Brawler Bree Serif Bubblegum Sans Bubbler One Buda Buenard Bungee Bungee Hairline Bungee Inline Bungee Outline Bungee Shade Butcherman Butterfly Kids Cabin Cabin Condensed Cabin Sketch Caesar Dressing Cagliostro Cairo Calligraffitti Cambay Cambo Candal Cantarell Cantata One Cantora One Capriola Cardo Carme Carrois Gothic Carrois Gothic SC Carter One Catamaran Caudex Caveat Caveat Brush Cedarville Cursive Ceviche One Changa Changa One Chango Chathura Chau Philomene One Chela One Chelsea Market Chenla Cherry Cream Soda Cherry Swash Chewy Chicle Chivo Chonburi Cinzel Cinzel Decorative Clicker Script Coda Coda Caption Codystar Coiny Combo Comfortaa Coming Soon Concert One Condiment Content Contrail One Convergence Cookie Copse Corben Cormorant Cormorant Garamond Cormorant Infant Cormorant SC Cormorant Unicase Cormorant Upright Courgette Cousine Coustard Covered By Your Grace Crafty Girls Creepster Crete Round Crimson Text Croissant One Crushed Cuprum Cutive Cutive Mono Damion Dancing Script Dangrek David Libre Dawning of a New Day Days One Dekko Delius Delius Swash Caps Delius Unicase Della Respira Denk One Devonshire Dhurjati Didact Gothic Diplomata Diplomata SC Domine Donegal One Doppio One Dorsa Dosis Dr Sugiyama Droid Sans Droid Sans Mono Droid Serif Duru Sans Dynalight EB Garamond Eagle Lake Eater Economica Eczar El Messiri Electrolize Elsie Elsie Swash Caps Emblema One Emilys Candy Encode Sans Encode Sans Condensed Encode Sans Expanded Encode Sans Semi Condensed Encode Sans Semi Expanded Engagement Englebert Enriqueta Erica One Esteban Euphoria Script Ewert Exo Exo 2 Expletus Sans Fanwood Text Farsan Fascinate Fascinate Inline Faster One Fasthand Fauna One Faustina Federant Federo Felipa Fenix Finger Paint Fira Mono Fira Sans Fira Sans Condensed Fira Sans Extra Condensed Fjalla One Fjord One Flamenco Flavors Fondamento Fontdiner Swanky Forum Francois One Frank Ruhl Libre Freckle Face Fredericka the Great Fredoka One Freehand Fresca Frijole Fruktur Fugaz One GFS Didot GFS Neohellenic Gabriela Gafata Galada Galdeano Galindo Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Geo Geostar Geostar Fill Germania One Gidugu Gilda Display Give You Glory Glass Antiqua Glegoo Gloria Hallelujah Goblin One Gochi Hand Gorditas Goudy Bookletter 1911 Graduate Grand Hotel Gravitas One Great Vibes Griffy Gruppo Gudea Gurajada Habibi Halant Hammersmith One Hanalei Hanalei Fill Handlee Hanuman Happy Monkey Harmattan Headland One Heebo Henny Penny Herr Von Muellerhoff Hind Hind Guntur Hind Madurai Hind Siliguri Hind Vadodara Holtwood One SC Homemade Apple Homenaje IM Fell DW Pica IM Fell DW Pica SC IM Fell Double Pica IM Fell Double Pica SC IM Fell English IM Fell English SC IM Fell French Canon IM Fell French Canon SC IM Fell Great Primer IM Fell Great Primer SC Iceberg Iceland Imprima Inconsolata Inder Indie Flower Inika Inknut Antiqua Irish Grover Istok Web Italiana Italianno Itim Jacques Francois Jacques Francois Shadow Jaldi Jim Nightshade Jockey One Jolly Lodger Jomhuria Josefin Sans Josefin Slab Joti One Judson Julee Julius Sans One Junge Jura Just Another Hand Just Me Again Down Here Kadwa Kalam Kameron Kanit Kantumruy Karla Karma Katibeh Kaushan Script Kavivanar Kavoon Kdam Thmor Keania One Kelly Slab Kenia Khand Khmer Khula Kite One Knewave Kotta One Koulen Kranky Kreon Kristi Krona One Kumar One Kumar One Outline Kurale La Belle Aurore Laila Lakki Reddy Lalezar Lancelot Lateef Lato League Script Leckerli One Ledger Lekton Lemon Lemonada Libre Barcode 128 Libre Barcode 128 Text Libre Barcode 39 Libre Barcode 39 Extended Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text Libre Barcode 39 Text Libre Baskerville Libre Franklin Life Savers Lilita One Lily Script One Limelight Linden Hill Lobster Lobster Two Londrina Outline Londrina Shadow Londrina Sketch Londrina Solid Lora Love Ya Like A Sister Loved by the King Lovers Quarrel Luckiest Guy Lusitana Lustria Macondo Macondo Swash Caps Mada Magra Maiden Orange Maitree Mako Mallanna Mandali Manuale Marcellus Marcellus SC Marck Script Margarine Marko One Marmelad Martel Martel Sans Marvel Mate Mate SC Maven Pro McLaren Meddon MedievalSharp Medula One Meera Inimai Megrim Meie Script Merienda Merienda One Merriweather Merriweather Sans Metal Metal Mania Metamorphous Metrophobic Michroma Milonga Miltonian Miltonian Tattoo Miniver Miriam Libre Mirza Miss Fajardose Mitr Modak Modern Antiqua Mogra Molengo Molle Monda Monofett Monoton Monsieur La Doulaise Montaga Montez Montserrat Montserrat Alternates Montserrat Subrayada Moul Moulpali Mountains of Christmas Mouse Memoirs Mr Bedfort Mr Dafoe Mr De Haviland Mrs Saint Delafield Mrs Sheppards Mukta Mukta Mahee Mukta Malar Mukta Vaani Muli Mystery Quest NTR Neucha Neuton New Rocker News Cycle Niconne Nixie One Nobile Nokora Norican Nosifer Nothing You Could Do Noticia Text Noto Sans Noto Serif Nova Cut Nova Flat Nova Mono Nova Oval Nova Round Nova Script Nova Slim Nova Square Numans Nunito Nunito Sans Odor Mean Chey Offside Old Standard TT Oldenburg Oleo Script Oleo Script Swash Caps Open Sans Open Sans Condensed Oranienbaum Orbitron Oregano Orienta Original Surfer Oswald Over the Rainbow Overlock Overlock SC Overpass Overpass Mono Ovo Oxygen Oxygen Mono PT Mono PT Sans PT Sans Caption PT Sans Narrow PT Serif PT Serif Caption Pacifico Padauk Palanquin Palanquin Dark Pangolin Paprika Parisienne Passero One Passion One Pathway Gothic One Patrick Hand Patrick Hand SC Pattaya Patua One Pavanam Paytone One Peddana Peralta Permanent Marker Petit Formal Script Petrona Philosopher Piedra Pinyon Script Pirata One Plaster Play Playball Playfair Display Playfair Display SC Podkova Poiret One Poller One Poly Pompiere Pontano Sans Poppins Port Lligat Sans Port Lligat Slab Pragati Narrow Prata Preahvihear Press Start 2P Pridi Princess Sofia Prociono Prompt Prosto One Proza Libre Puritan Purple Purse Quando Quantico Quattrocento Quattrocento Sans Questrial Quicksand Quintessential Qwigley Racing Sans One Radley Rajdhani Rakkas Raleway Raleway Dots Ramabhadra Ramaraja Rambla Rammetto One Ranchers Rancho Ranga Rasa Rationale Ravi Prakash Redressed Reem Kufi Reenie Beanie Revalia Rhodium Libre Ribeye Ribeye Marrow Righteous Risque Roboto Roboto Condensed Roboto Mono Roboto Slab Rochester Rock Salt Rokkitt Romanesco Ropa Sans Rosario Rosarivo Rouge Script Rozha One Rubik Rubik Mono One Ruda Rufina Ruge Boogie Ruluko Rum Raisin Ruslan Display Russo One Ruthie Rye Sacramento Sahitya Sail Saira Saira Condensed Saira Extra Condensed Saira Semi Condensed Salsa Sanchez Sancreek Sansita Sarala Sarina Sarpanch Satisfy Scada Scheherazade Schoolbell Scope One Seaweed Script Secular One Sedgwick Ave Sedgwick Ave Display Sevillana Seymour One Shadows Into Light Shadows Into Light Two Shanti Share Share Tech Share Tech Mono Shojumaru Short Stack Shrikhand Siemreap Sigmar One Signika Signika Negative Simonetta Sintony Sirin Stencil Six Caps Skranji Slabo 13px Slabo 27px Slackey Smokum Smythe Sniglet Snippet Snowburst One Sofadi One Sofia Sonsie One Sorts Mill Goudy Source Code Pro Source Sans Pro Source Serif Pro Space Mono Special Elite Spectral Spicy Rice Spinnaker Spirax Squada One Sree Krushnadevaraya Sriracha Stalemate Stalinist One Stardos Stencil Stint Ultra Condensed Stint Ultra Expanded Stoke Strait Sue Ellen Francisco Suez One Sumana Sunshiney Supermercado One Sura Suranna Suravaram Suwannaphum Swanky and Moo Moo Syncopate Tangerine Taprom Tauri Taviraj Teko Telex Tenali Ramakrishna Tenor Sans Text Me One The Girl Next Door Tienne Tillana Timmana Tinos Titan One Titillium Web Trade Winds Trirong Trocchi Trochut Trykker Tulpen One Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Ubuntu Mono Ultra Uncial Antiqua Underdog Unica One UnifrakturCook UnifrakturMaguntia Unkempt Unlock Unna VT323 Vampiro One Varela Varela Round Vast Shadow Vesper Libre Vibur Vidaloka Viga Voces Volkhov Vollkorn Voltaire Waiting for the Sunrise Wallpoet Walter Turncoat Warnes Wellfleet Wendy One Wire One Work Sans Yanone Kaffeesatz Yantramanav Yatra One Yellowtail Yeseva One Yesteryear Yrsa Zeyada Zilla Slab Zilla Slab Highlight Font Weight: ThinUltra LightLightRegularMediumSemi BoldBoldUltra BoldHeavy Font Style: Line Color: Choose Custom Color Line Style: soliddoubledotteddashedwavy Choose a custom font to use for the Link. All Google web fonts are available, or you can upload your own custom font files. Link Text Alignment: LeftCenterRightJustified Align the Link to the left, right, center or justify. Link Text Color: Choose Custom Color Pick a color to be used for the Link text. Link Text Size: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Increase or decrease the size of the Link text. Link Letter Spacing: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Letter spacing adjusts the distance between each letter in the Link. Link Line Height: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Line height adjusts the distance between each line of the Link text. This becomes noticeable if the Link is long and wraps onto multiple lines. Link Text Shadow: aA aA aA aA aA Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option. Link Text Shadow Horizontal Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text. Link Text Shadow Vertical Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text. Link Text Shadow Blur Strength: Desktop Tablet Smartphone The higher the value, the bigger the blur, the shadow becomes wider and lighter. Link Text Shadow Color: The color of the shadow. Unordered List Font: Recent Uploaded Default Georgia Times New Roman Arial Trebuchet Verdana ABeeZee Abel Abhaya Libre Abril Fatface Aclonica Acme Actor Adamina Advent Pro Aguafina Script Akronim Aladin Aldrich Alef Alegreya Alegreya SC Alegreya Sans Alegreya Sans SC Alex Brush Alfa Slab One Alice Alike Alike Angular Allan Allerta Allerta Stencil Allura Almendra Almendra Display Almendra SC Amarante Amaranth Amatic SC Amethysta Amiko Amiri Amita Anaheim Andada Andika Angkor Annie Use Your Telescope Anonymous Pro Antic Antic Didone Antic Slab Anton Arapey Arbutus Arbutus Slab Architects Daughter Archivo Archivo Black Archivo Narrow Aref Ruqaa Arima Madurai Arimo Arizonia Armata Arsenal Artifika Arvo Arya Asap Asap Condensed Asar Asset Assistant Astloch Asul Athiti Atma Atomic Age Aubrey Audiowide Autour One Average Average Sans Averia Gruesa Libre Averia Libre Averia Sans Libre Averia Serif Libre Bad Script Bahiana Baloo Baloo Bhai Baloo Bhaijaan Baloo Bhaina Baloo Chettan Baloo Da Baloo Paaji Baloo Tamma Baloo Tammudu Baloo Thambi Balthazar Bangers Barrio Basic Battambang Baumans Bayon Belgrano Bellefair Belleza BenchNine Bentham Berkshire Swash Bevan Bigelow Rules Bigshot One Bilbo Bilbo Swash Caps BioRhyme BioRhyme Expanded Biryani Bitter Black Ops One Bokor Bonbon Boogaloo Bowlby One Bowlby One SC Brawler Bree Serif Bubblegum Sans Bubbler One Buda Buenard Bungee Bungee Hairline Bungee Inline Bungee Outline Bungee Shade Butcherman Butterfly Kids Cabin Cabin Condensed Cabin Sketch Caesar Dressing Cagliostro Cairo Calligraffitti Cambay Cambo Candal Cantarell Cantata One Cantora One Capriola Cardo Carme Carrois Gothic Carrois Gothic SC Carter One Catamaran Caudex Caveat Caveat Brush Cedarville Cursive Ceviche One Changa Changa One Chango Chathura Chau Philomene One Chela One Chelsea Market Chenla Cherry Cream Soda Cherry Swash Chewy Chicle Chivo Chonburi Cinzel Cinzel Decorative Clicker Script Coda Coda Caption Codystar Coiny Combo Comfortaa Coming Soon Concert One Condiment Content Contrail One Convergence Cookie Copse Corben Cormorant Cormorant Garamond Cormorant Infant Cormorant SC Cormorant Unicase Cormorant Upright Courgette Cousine Coustard Covered By Your Grace Crafty Girls Creepster Crete Round Crimson Text Croissant One Crushed Cuprum Cutive Cutive Mono Damion Dancing Script Dangrek David Libre Dawning of a New Day Days One Dekko Delius Delius Swash Caps Delius Unicase Della Respira Denk One Devonshire Dhurjati Didact Gothic Diplomata Diplomata SC Domine Donegal One Doppio One Dorsa Dosis Dr Sugiyama Droid Sans Droid Sans Mono Droid Serif Duru Sans Dynalight EB Garamond Eagle Lake Eater Economica Eczar El Messiri Electrolize Elsie Elsie Swash Caps Emblema One Emilys Candy Encode Sans Encode Sans Condensed Encode Sans Expanded Encode Sans Semi Condensed Encode Sans Semi Expanded Engagement Englebert Enriqueta Erica One Esteban Euphoria Script Ewert Exo Exo 2 Expletus Sans Fanwood Text Farsan Fascinate Fascinate Inline Faster One Fasthand Fauna One Faustina Federant Federo Felipa Fenix Finger Paint Fira Mono Fira Sans Fira Sans Condensed Fira Sans Extra Condensed Fjalla One Fjord One Flamenco Flavors Fondamento Fontdiner Swanky Forum Francois One Frank Ruhl Libre Freckle Face Fredericka the Great Fredoka One Freehand Fresca Frijole Fruktur Fugaz One GFS Didot GFS Neohellenic Gabriela Gafata Galada Galdeano Galindo Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Geo Geostar Geostar Fill Germania One Gidugu Gilda Display Give You Glory Glass Antiqua Glegoo Gloria Hallelujah Goblin One Gochi Hand Gorditas Goudy Bookletter 1911 Graduate Grand Hotel Gravitas One Great Vibes Griffy Gruppo Gudea Gurajada Habibi Halant Hammersmith One Hanalei Hanalei Fill Handlee Hanuman Happy Monkey Harmattan Headland One Heebo Henny Penny Herr Von Muellerhoff Hind Hind Guntur Hind Madurai Hind Siliguri Hind Vadodara Holtwood One SC Homemade Apple Homenaje IM Fell DW Pica IM Fell DW Pica SC IM Fell Double Pica IM Fell Double Pica SC IM Fell English IM Fell English SC IM Fell French Canon IM Fell French Canon SC IM Fell Great Primer IM Fell Great Primer SC Iceberg Iceland Imprima Inconsolata Inder Indie Flower Inika Inknut Antiqua Irish Grover Istok Web Italiana Italianno Itim Jacques Francois Jacques Francois Shadow Jaldi Jim Nightshade Jockey One Jolly Lodger Jomhuria Josefin Sans Josefin Slab Joti One Judson Julee Julius Sans One Junge Jura Just Another Hand Just Me Again Down Here Kadwa Kalam Kameron Kanit Kantumruy Karla Karma Katibeh Kaushan Script Kavivanar Kavoon Kdam Thmor Keania One Kelly Slab Kenia Khand Khmer Khula Kite One Knewave Kotta One Koulen Kranky Kreon Kristi Krona One Kumar One Kumar One Outline Kurale La Belle Aurore Laila Lakki Reddy Lalezar Lancelot Lateef Lato League Script Leckerli One Ledger Lekton Lemon Lemonada Libre Barcode 128 Libre Barcode 128 Text Libre Barcode 39 Libre Barcode 39 Extended Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text Libre Barcode 39 Text Libre Baskerville Libre Franklin Life Savers Lilita One Lily Script One Limelight Linden Hill Lobster Lobster Two Londrina Outline Londrina Shadow Londrina Sketch Londrina Solid Lora Love Ya Like A Sister Loved by the King Lovers Quarrel Luckiest Guy Lusitana Lustria Macondo Macondo Swash Caps Mada Magra Maiden Orange Maitree Mako Mallanna Mandali Manuale Marcellus Marcellus SC Marck Script Margarine Marko One Marmelad Martel Martel Sans Marvel Mate Mate SC Maven Pro McLaren Meddon MedievalSharp Medula One Meera Inimai Megrim Meie Script Merienda Merienda One Merriweather Merriweather Sans Metal Metal Mania Metamorphous Metrophobic Michroma Milonga Miltonian Miltonian Tattoo Miniver Miriam Libre Mirza Miss Fajardose Mitr Modak Modern Antiqua Mogra Molengo Molle Monda Monofett Monoton Monsieur La Doulaise Montaga Montez Montserrat Montserrat Alternates Montserrat Subrayada Moul Moulpali Mountains of Christmas Mouse Memoirs Mr Bedfort Mr Dafoe Mr De Haviland Mrs Saint Delafield Mrs Sheppards Mukta Mukta Mahee Mukta Malar Mukta Vaani Muli Mystery Quest NTR Neucha Neuton New Rocker News Cycle Niconne Nixie One Nobile Nokora Norican Nosifer Nothing You Could Do Noticia Text Noto Sans Noto Serif Nova Cut Nova Flat Nova Mono Nova Oval Nova Round Nova Script Nova Slim Nova Square Numans Nunito Nunito Sans Odor Mean Chey Offside Old Standard TT Oldenburg Oleo Script Oleo Script Swash Caps Open Sans Open Sans Condensed Oranienbaum Orbitron Oregano Orienta Original Surfer Oswald Over the Rainbow Overlock Overlock SC Overpass Overpass Mono Ovo Oxygen Oxygen Mono PT Mono PT Sans PT Sans Caption PT Sans Narrow PT Serif PT Serif Caption Pacifico Padauk Palanquin Palanquin Dark Pangolin Paprika Parisienne Passero One Passion One Pathway Gothic One Patrick Hand Patrick Hand SC Pattaya Patua One Pavanam Paytone One Peddana Peralta Permanent Marker Petit Formal Script Petrona Philosopher Piedra Pinyon Script Pirata One Plaster Play Playball Playfair Display Playfair Display SC Podkova Poiret One Poller One Poly Pompiere Pontano Sans Poppins Port Lligat Sans Port Lligat Slab Pragati Narrow Prata Preahvihear Press Start 2P Pridi Princess Sofia Prociono Prompt Prosto One Proza Libre Puritan Purple Purse Quando Quantico Quattrocento Quattrocento Sans Questrial Quicksand Quintessential Qwigley Racing Sans One Radley Rajdhani Rakkas Raleway Raleway Dots Ramabhadra Ramaraja Rambla Rammetto One Ranchers Rancho Ranga Rasa Rationale Ravi Prakash Redressed Reem Kufi Reenie Beanie Revalia Rhodium Libre Ribeye Ribeye Marrow Righteous Risque Roboto Roboto Condensed Roboto Mono Roboto Slab Rochester Rock Salt Rokkitt Romanesco Ropa Sans Rosario Rosarivo Rouge Script Rozha One Rubik Rubik Mono One Ruda Rufina Ruge Boogie Ruluko Rum Raisin Ruslan Display Russo One Ruthie Rye Sacramento Sahitya Sail Saira Saira Condensed Saira Extra Condensed Saira Semi Condensed Salsa Sanchez Sancreek Sansita Sarala Sarina Sarpanch Satisfy Scada Scheherazade Schoolbell Scope One Seaweed Script Secular One Sedgwick Ave Sedgwick Ave Display Sevillana Seymour One Shadows Into Light Shadows Into Light Two Shanti Share Share Tech Share Tech Mono Shojumaru Short Stack Shrikhand Siemreap Sigmar One Signika Signika Negative Simonetta Sintony Sirin Stencil Six Caps Skranji Slabo 13px Slabo 27px Slackey Smokum Smythe Sniglet Snippet Snowburst One Sofadi One Sofia Sonsie One Sorts Mill Goudy Source Code Pro Source Sans Pro Source Serif Pro Space Mono Special Elite Spectral Spicy Rice Spinnaker Spirax Squada One Sree Krushnadevaraya Sriracha Stalemate Stalinist One Stardos Stencil Stint Ultra Condensed Stint Ultra Expanded Stoke Strait Sue Ellen Francisco Suez One Sumana Sunshiney Supermercado One Sura Suranna Suravaram Suwannaphum Swanky and Moo Moo Syncopate Tangerine Taprom Tauri Taviraj Teko Telex Tenali Ramakrishna Tenor Sans Text Me One The Girl Next Door Tienne Tillana Timmana Tinos Titan One Titillium Web Trade Winds Trirong Trocchi Trochut Trykker Tulpen One Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Ubuntu Mono Ultra Uncial Antiqua Underdog Unica One UnifrakturCook UnifrakturMaguntia Unkempt Unlock Unna VT323 Vampiro One Varela Varela Round Vast Shadow Vesper Libre Vibur Vidaloka Viga Voces Volkhov Vollkorn Voltaire Waiting for the Sunrise Wallpoet Walter Turncoat Warnes Wellfleet Wendy One Wire One Work Sans Yanone Kaffeesatz Yantramanav Yatra One Yellowtail Yeseva One Yesteryear Yrsa Zeyada Zilla Slab Zilla Slab Highlight Font Weight: ThinUltra LightLightRegularMediumSemi BoldBoldUltra BoldHeavy Font Style: Line Color: Choose Custom Color Line Style: soliddoubledotteddashedwavy Choose a custom font to use for the Unordered List. All Google web fonts are available, or you can upload your own custom font files. Unordered List Text Alignment: LeftCenterRightJustified Align the Unordered List to the left, right, center or justify. Unordered List Text Color: Choose Custom Color Pick a color to be used for the Unordered List text. Unordered List Text Size: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Increase or decrease the size of the Unordered List text. Unordered List Letter Spacing: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Letter spacing adjusts the distance between each letter in the Unordered List. Unordered List Line Height: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Line height adjusts the distance between each line of the Unordered List text. This becomes noticeable if the Unordered List is long and wraps onto multiple lines. Unordered List Text Shadow: aA aA aA aA aA Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option. Unordered List Text Shadow Horizontal Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text. Unordered List Text Shadow Vertical Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text. Unordered List Text Shadow Blur Strength: Desktop Tablet Smartphone The higher the value, the bigger the blur, the shadow becomes wider and lighter. Unordered List Text Shadow Color: The color of the shadow. Unordered List Style Type: DiscCircleSquareNone This setting adjusts the shape of the bullet point that begins each list item. Unordered List Style Position: OutsideInside The bullet point that begins each list item can be placed either inside or outside the parent list wrapper. Placing list items inside will indent them further within the list. Unordered List Item Indent: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Increasing indentation will push list items further towards the center of the text content, giving the list more visible separation from the the rest of the text. Ordered List Font: Recent Uploaded Default Georgia Times New Roman Arial Trebuchet Verdana ABeeZee Abel Abhaya Libre Abril Fatface Aclonica Acme Actor Adamina Advent Pro Aguafina Script Akronim Aladin Aldrich Alef Alegreya Alegreya SC Alegreya Sans Alegreya Sans SC Alex Brush Alfa Slab One Alice Alike Alike Angular Allan Allerta Allerta Stencil Allura Almendra Almendra Display Almendra SC Amarante Amaranth Amatic SC Amethysta Amiko Amiri Amita Anaheim Andada Andika Angkor Annie Use Your Telescope Anonymous Pro Antic Antic Didone Antic Slab Anton Arapey Arbutus Arbutus Slab Architects Daughter Archivo Archivo Black Archivo Narrow Aref Ruqaa Arima Madurai Arimo Arizonia Armata Arsenal Artifika Arvo Arya Asap Asap Condensed Asar Asset Assistant Astloch Asul Athiti Atma Atomic Age Aubrey Audiowide Autour One Average Average Sans Averia Gruesa Libre Averia Libre Averia Sans Libre Averia Serif Libre Bad Script Bahiana Baloo Baloo Bhai Baloo Bhaijaan Baloo Bhaina Baloo Chettan Baloo Da Baloo Paaji Baloo Tamma Baloo Tammudu Baloo Thambi Balthazar Bangers Barrio Basic Battambang Baumans Bayon Belgrano Bellefair Belleza BenchNine Bentham Berkshire Swash Bevan Bigelow Rules Bigshot One Bilbo Bilbo Swash Caps BioRhyme BioRhyme Expanded Biryani Bitter Black Ops One Bokor Bonbon Boogaloo Bowlby One Bowlby One SC Brawler Bree Serif Bubblegum Sans Bubbler One Buda Buenard Bungee Bungee Hairline Bungee Inline Bungee Outline Bungee Shade Butcherman Butterfly Kids Cabin Cabin Condensed Cabin Sketch Caesar Dressing Cagliostro Cairo Calligraffitti Cambay Cambo Candal Cantarell Cantata One Cantora One Capriola Cardo Carme Carrois Gothic Carrois Gothic SC Carter One Catamaran Caudex Caveat Caveat Brush Cedarville Cursive Ceviche One Changa Changa One Chango Chathura Chau Philomene One Chela One Chelsea Market Chenla Cherry Cream Soda Cherry Swash Chewy Chicle Chivo Chonburi Cinzel Cinzel Decorative Clicker Script Coda Coda Caption Codystar Coiny Combo Comfortaa Coming Soon Concert One Condiment Content Contrail One Convergence Cookie Copse Corben Cormorant Cormorant Garamond Cormorant Infant Cormorant SC Cormorant Unicase Cormorant Upright Courgette Cousine Coustard Covered By Your Grace Crafty Girls Creepster Crete Round Crimson Text Croissant One Crushed Cuprum Cutive Cutive Mono Damion Dancing Script Dangrek David Libre Dawning of a New Day Days One Dekko Delius Delius Swash Caps Delius Unicase Della Respira Denk One Devonshire Dhurjati Didact Gothic Diplomata Diplomata SC Domine Donegal One Doppio One Dorsa Dosis Dr Sugiyama Droid Sans Droid Sans Mono Droid Serif Duru Sans Dynalight EB Garamond Eagle Lake Eater Economica Eczar El Messiri Electrolize Elsie Elsie Swash Caps Emblema One Emilys Candy Encode Sans Encode Sans Condensed Encode Sans Expanded Encode Sans Semi Condensed Encode Sans Semi Expanded Engagement Englebert Enriqueta Erica One Esteban Euphoria Script Ewert Exo Exo 2 Expletus Sans Fanwood Text Farsan Fascinate Fascinate Inline Faster One Fasthand Fauna One Faustina Federant Federo Felipa Fenix Finger Paint Fira Mono Fira Sans Fira Sans Condensed Fira Sans Extra Condensed Fjalla One Fjord One Flamenco Flavors Fondamento Fontdiner Swanky Forum Francois One Frank Ruhl Libre Freckle Face Fredericka the Great Fredoka One Freehand Fresca Frijole Fruktur Fugaz One GFS Didot GFS Neohellenic Gabriela Gafata Galada Galdeano Galindo Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Geo Geostar Geostar Fill Germania One Gidugu Gilda Display Give You Glory Glass Antiqua Glegoo Gloria Hallelujah Goblin One Gochi Hand Gorditas Goudy Bookletter 1911 Graduate Grand Hotel Gravitas One Great Vibes Griffy Gruppo Gudea Gurajada Habibi Halant Hammersmith One Hanalei Hanalei Fill Handlee Hanuman Happy Monkey Harmattan Headland One Heebo Henny Penny Herr Von Muellerhoff Hind Hind Guntur Hind Madurai Hind Siliguri Hind Vadodara Holtwood One SC Homemade Apple Homenaje IM Fell DW Pica IM Fell DW Pica SC IM Fell Double Pica IM Fell Double Pica SC IM Fell English IM Fell English SC IM Fell French Canon IM Fell French Canon SC IM Fell Great Primer IM Fell Great Primer SC Iceberg Iceland Imprima Inconsolata Inder Indie Flower Inika Inknut Antiqua Irish Grover Istok Web Italiana Italianno Itim Jacques Francois Jacques Francois Shadow Jaldi Jim Nightshade Jockey One Jolly Lodger Jomhuria Josefin Sans Josefin Slab Joti One Judson Julee Julius Sans One Junge Jura Just Another Hand Just Me Again Down Here Kadwa Kalam Kameron Kanit Kantumruy Karla Karma Katibeh Kaushan Script Kavivanar Kavoon Kdam Thmor Keania One Kelly Slab Kenia Khand Khmer Khula Kite One Knewave Kotta One Koulen Kranky Kreon Kristi Krona One Kumar One Kumar One Outline Kurale La Belle Aurore Laila Lakki Reddy Lalezar Lancelot Lateef Lato League Script Leckerli One Ledger Lekton Lemon Lemonada Libre Barcode 128 Libre Barcode 128 Text Libre Barcode 39 Libre Barcode 39 Extended Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text Libre Barcode 39 Text Libre Baskerville Libre Franklin Life Savers Lilita One Lily Script One Limelight Linden Hill Lobster Lobster Two Londrina Outline Londrina Shadow Londrina Sketch Londrina Solid Lora Love Ya Like A Sister Loved by the King Lovers Quarrel Luckiest Guy Lusitana Lustria Macondo Macondo Swash Caps Mada Magra Maiden Orange Maitree Mako Mallanna Mandali Manuale Marcellus Marcellus SC Marck Script Margarine Marko One Marmelad Martel Martel Sans Marvel Mate Mate SC Maven Pro McLaren Meddon MedievalSharp Medula One Meera Inimai Megrim Meie Script Merienda Merienda One Merriweather Merriweather Sans Metal Metal Mania Metamorphous Metrophobic Michroma Milonga Miltonian Miltonian Tattoo Miniver Miriam Libre Mirza Miss Fajardose Mitr Modak Modern Antiqua Mogra Molengo Molle Monda Monofett Monoton Monsieur La Doulaise Montaga Montez Montserrat Montserrat Alternates Montserrat Subrayada Moul Moulpali Mountains of Christmas Mouse Memoirs Mr Bedfort Mr Dafoe Mr De Haviland Mrs Saint Delafield Mrs Sheppards Mukta Mukta Mahee Mukta Malar Mukta Vaani Muli Mystery Quest NTR Neucha Neuton New Rocker News Cycle Niconne Nixie One Nobile Nokora Norican Nosifer Nothing You Could Do Noticia Text Noto Sans Noto Serif Nova Cut Nova Flat Nova Mono Nova Oval Nova Round Nova Script Nova Slim Nova Square Numans Nunito Nunito Sans Odor Mean Chey Offside Old Standard TT Oldenburg Oleo Script Oleo Script Swash Caps Open Sans Open Sans Condensed Oranienbaum Orbitron Oregano Orienta Original Surfer Oswald Over the Rainbow Overlock Overlock SC Overpass Overpass Mono Ovo Oxygen Oxygen Mono PT Mono PT Sans PT Sans Caption PT Sans Narrow PT Serif PT Serif Caption Pacifico Padauk Palanquin Palanquin Dark Pangolin Paprika Parisienne Passero One Passion One Pathway Gothic One Patrick Hand Patrick Hand SC Pattaya Patua One Pavanam Paytone One Peddana Peralta Permanent Marker Petit Formal Script Petrona Philosopher Piedra Pinyon Script Pirata One Plaster Play Playball Playfair Display Playfair Display SC Podkova Poiret One Poller One Poly Pompiere Pontano Sans Poppins Port Lligat Sans Port Lligat Slab Pragati Narrow Prata Preahvihear Press Start 2P Pridi Princess Sofia Prociono Prompt Prosto One Proza Libre Puritan Purple Purse Quando Quantico Quattrocento Quattrocento Sans Questrial Quicksand Quintessential Qwigley Racing Sans One Radley Rajdhani Rakkas Raleway Raleway Dots Ramabhadra Ramaraja Rambla Rammetto One Ranchers Rancho Ranga Rasa Rationale Ravi Prakash Redressed Reem Kufi Reenie Beanie Revalia Rhodium Libre Ribeye Ribeye Marrow Righteous Risque Roboto Roboto Condensed Roboto Mono Roboto Slab Rochester Rock Salt Rokkitt Romanesco Ropa Sans Rosario Rosarivo Rouge Script Rozha One Rubik Rubik Mono One Ruda Rufina Ruge Boogie Ruluko Rum Raisin Ruslan Display Russo One Ruthie Rye Sacramento Sahitya Sail Saira Saira Condensed Saira Extra Condensed Saira Semi Condensed Salsa Sanchez Sancreek Sansita Sarala Sarina Sarpanch Satisfy Scada Scheherazade Schoolbell Scope One Seaweed Script Secular One Sedgwick Ave Sedgwick Ave Display Sevillana Seymour One Shadows Into Light Shadows Into Light Two Shanti Share Share Tech Share Tech Mono Shojumaru Short Stack Shrikhand Siemreap Sigmar One Signika Signika Negative Simonetta Sintony Sirin Stencil Six Caps Skranji Slabo 13px Slabo 27px Slackey Smokum Smythe Sniglet Snippet Snowburst One Sofadi One Sofia Sonsie One Sorts Mill Goudy Source Code Pro Source Sans Pro Source Serif Pro Space Mono Special Elite Spectral Spicy Rice Spinnaker Spirax Squada One Sree Krushnadevaraya Sriracha Stalemate Stalinist One Stardos Stencil Stint Ultra Condensed Stint Ultra Expanded Stoke Strait Sue Ellen Francisco Suez One Sumana Sunshiney Supermercado One Sura Suranna Suravaram Suwannaphum Swanky and Moo Moo Syncopate Tangerine Taprom Tauri Taviraj Teko Telex Tenali Ramakrishna Tenor Sans Text Me One The Girl Next Door Tienne Tillana Timmana Tinos Titan One Titillium Web Trade Winds Trirong Trocchi Trochut Trykker Tulpen One Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Ubuntu Mono Ultra Uncial Antiqua Underdog Unica One UnifrakturCook UnifrakturMaguntia Unkempt Unlock Unna VT323 Vampiro One Varela Varela Round Vast Shadow Vesper Libre Vibur Vidaloka Viga Voces Volkhov Vollkorn Voltaire Waiting for the Sunrise Wallpoet Walter Turncoat Warnes Wellfleet Wendy One Wire One Work Sans Yanone Kaffeesatz Yantramanav Yatra One Yellowtail Yeseva One Yesteryear Yrsa Zeyada Zilla Slab Zilla Slab Highlight Font Weight: ThinUltra LightLightRegularMediumSemi BoldBoldUltra BoldHeavy Font Style: Line Color: Choose Custom Color Line Style: soliddoubledotteddashedwavy Choose a custom font to use for the Ordered List. All Google web fonts are available, or you can upload your own custom font files. Ordered List Text Alignment: LeftCenterRightJustified Align the Ordered List to the left, right, center or justify. Ordered List Text Color: Choose Custom Color Pick a color to be used for the Ordered List text. Ordered List Text Size: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Increase or decrease the size of the Ordered List text. Ordered List Letter Spacing: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Letter spacing adjusts the distance between each letter in the Ordered List. Ordered List Line Height: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Line height adjusts the distance between each line of the Ordered List text. This becomes noticeable if the Ordered List is long and wraps onto multiple lines. Ordered List Text Shadow: aA aA aA aA aA Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option. Ordered List Text Shadow Horizontal Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text. Ordered List Text Shadow Vertical Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text. Ordered List Text Shadow Blur Strength: Desktop Tablet Smartphone The higher the value, the bigger the blur, the shadow becomes wider and lighter. Ordered List Text Shadow Color: The color of the shadow. Ordered List Style Type: decimalarmeniancjk-ideographicdecimal-leading-zerogeorgianhebrewhiraganahiragana-irohakatakanakatakana-irohalower-alphalower-greeklower-latinlower-romanupper-alphaupper-greekupper-latinupper-romannone Here you can choose which types of characters are used to distinguish between each item in the ordered list. Ordered List Style Position: InsideOutside The characters that begins each list item can be placed either inside or outside the parent list wrapper. Placing list items inside will indent them further within the list. Ordered List Item Indent: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Increasing indentation will push list items further towards the center of the text content, giving the list more visible separation from the the rest of the text. Blockquote Font: Recent Uploaded Default Georgia Times New Roman Arial Trebuchet Verdana ABeeZee Abel Abhaya Libre Abril Fatface Aclonica Acme Actor Adamina Advent Pro Aguafina Script Akronim Aladin Aldrich Alef Alegreya Alegreya SC Alegreya Sans Alegreya Sans SC Alex Brush Alfa Slab One Alice Alike Alike Angular Allan Allerta Allerta Stencil Allura Almendra Almendra Display Almendra SC Amarante Amaranth Amatic SC Amethysta Amiko Amiri Amita Anaheim Andada Andika Angkor Annie Use Your Telescope Anonymous Pro Antic Antic Didone Antic Slab Anton Arapey Arbutus Arbutus Slab Architects Daughter Archivo Archivo Black Archivo Narrow Aref Ruqaa Arima Madurai Arimo Arizonia Armata Arsenal Artifika Arvo Arya Asap Asap Condensed Asar Asset Assistant Astloch Asul Athiti Atma Atomic Age Aubrey Audiowide Autour One Average Average Sans Averia Gruesa Libre Averia Libre Averia Sans Libre Averia Serif Libre Bad Script Bahiana Baloo Baloo Bhai Baloo Bhaijaan Baloo Bhaina Baloo Chettan Baloo Da Baloo Paaji Baloo Tamma Baloo Tammudu Baloo Thambi Balthazar Bangers Barrio Basic Battambang Baumans Bayon Belgrano Bellefair Belleza BenchNine Bentham Berkshire Swash Bevan Bigelow Rules Bigshot One Bilbo Bilbo Swash Caps BioRhyme BioRhyme Expanded Biryani Bitter Black Ops One Bokor Bonbon Boogaloo Bowlby One Bowlby One SC Brawler Bree Serif Bubblegum Sans Bubbler One Buda Buenard Bungee Bungee Hairline Bungee Inline Bungee Outline Bungee Shade Butcherman Butterfly Kids Cabin Cabin Condensed Cabin Sketch Caesar Dressing Cagliostro Cairo Calligraffitti Cambay Cambo Candal Cantarell Cantata One Cantora One Capriola Cardo Carme Carrois Gothic Carrois Gothic SC Carter One Catamaran Caudex Caveat Caveat Brush Cedarville Cursive Ceviche One Changa Changa One Chango Chathura Chau Philomene One Chela One Chelsea Market Chenla Cherry Cream Soda Cherry Swash Chewy Chicle Chivo Chonburi Cinzel Cinzel Decorative Clicker Script Coda Coda Caption Codystar Coiny Combo Comfortaa Coming Soon Concert One Condiment Content Contrail One Convergence Cookie Copse Corben Cormorant Cormorant Garamond Cormorant Infant Cormorant SC Cormorant Unicase Cormorant Upright Courgette Cousine Coustard Covered By Your Grace Crafty Girls Creepster Crete Round Crimson Text Croissant One Crushed Cuprum Cutive Cutive Mono Damion Dancing Script Dangrek David Libre Dawning of a New Day Days One Dekko Delius Delius Swash Caps Delius Unicase Della Respira Denk One Devonshire Dhurjati Didact Gothic Diplomata Diplomata SC Domine Donegal One Doppio One Dorsa Dosis Dr Sugiyama Droid Sans Droid Sans Mono Droid Serif Duru Sans Dynalight EB Garamond Eagle Lake Eater Economica Eczar El Messiri Electrolize Elsie Elsie Swash Caps Emblema One Emilys Candy Encode Sans Encode Sans Condensed Encode Sans Expanded Encode Sans Semi Condensed Encode Sans Semi Expanded Engagement Englebert Enriqueta Erica One Esteban Euphoria Script Ewert Exo Exo 2 Expletus Sans Fanwood Text Farsan Fascinate Fascinate Inline Faster One Fasthand Fauna One Faustina Federant Federo Felipa Fenix Finger Paint Fira Mono Fira Sans Fira Sans Condensed Fira Sans Extra Condensed Fjalla One Fjord One Flamenco Flavors Fondamento Fontdiner Swanky Forum Francois One Frank Ruhl Libre Freckle Face Fredericka the Great Fredoka One Freehand Fresca Frijole Fruktur Fugaz One GFS Didot GFS Neohellenic Gabriela Gafata Galada Galdeano Galindo Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Geo Geostar Geostar Fill Germania One Gidugu Gilda Display Give You Glory Glass Antiqua Glegoo Gloria Hallelujah Goblin One Gochi Hand Gorditas Goudy Bookletter 1911 Graduate Grand Hotel Gravitas One Great Vibes Griffy Gruppo Gudea Gurajada Habibi Halant Hammersmith One Hanalei Hanalei Fill Handlee Hanuman Happy Monkey Harmattan Headland One Heebo Henny Penny Herr Von Muellerhoff Hind Hind Guntur Hind Madurai Hind Siliguri Hind Vadodara Holtwood One SC Homemade Apple Homenaje IM Fell DW Pica IM Fell DW Pica SC IM Fell Double Pica IM Fell Double Pica SC IM Fell English IM Fell English SC IM Fell French Canon IM Fell French Canon SC IM Fell Great Primer IM Fell Great Primer SC Iceberg Iceland Imprima Inconsolata Inder Indie Flower Inika Inknut Antiqua Irish Grover Istok Web Italiana Italianno Itim Jacques Francois Jacques Francois Shadow Jaldi Jim Nightshade Jockey One Jolly Lodger Jomhuria Josefin Sans Josefin Slab Joti One Judson Julee Julius Sans One Junge Jura Just Another Hand Just Me Again Down Here Kadwa Kalam Kameron Kanit Kantumruy Karla Karma Katibeh Kaushan Script Kavivanar Kavoon Kdam Thmor Keania One Kelly Slab Kenia Khand Khmer Khula Kite One Knewave Kotta One Koulen Kranky Kreon Kristi Krona One Kumar One Kumar One Outline Kurale La Belle Aurore Laila Lakki Reddy Lalezar Lancelot Lateef Lato League Script Leckerli One Ledger Lekton Lemon Lemonada Libre Barcode 128 Libre Barcode 128 Text Libre Barcode 39 Libre Barcode 39 Extended Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text Libre Barcode 39 Text Libre Baskerville Libre Franklin Life Savers Lilita One Lily Script One Limelight Linden Hill Lobster Lobster Two Londrina Outline Londrina Shadow Londrina Sketch Londrina Solid Lora Love Ya Like A Sister Loved by the King Lovers Quarrel Luckiest Guy Lusitana Lustria Macondo Macondo Swash Caps Mada Magra Maiden Orange Maitree Mako Mallanna Mandali Manuale Marcellus Marcellus SC Marck Script Margarine Marko One Marmelad Martel Martel Sans Marvel Mate Mate SC Maven Pro McLaren Meddon MedievalSharp Medula One Meera Inimai Megrim Meie Script Merienda Merienda One Merriweather Merriweather Sans Metal Metal Mania Metamorphous Metrophobic Michroma Milonga Miltonian Miltonian Tattoo Miniver Miriam Libre Mirza Miss Fajardose Mitr Modak Modern Antiqua Mogra Molengo Molle Monda Monofett Monoton Monsieur La Doulaise Montaga Montez Montserrat Montserrat Alternates Montserrat Subrayada Moul Moulpali Mountains of Christmas Mouse Memoirs Mr Bedfort Mr Dafoe Mr De Haviland Mrs Saint Delafield Mrs Sheppards Mukta Mukta Mahee Mukta Malar Mukta Vaani Muli Mystery Quest NTR Neucha Neuton New Rocker News Cycle Niconne Nixie One Nobile Nokora Norican Nosifer Nothing You Could Do Noticia Text Noto Sans Noto Serif Nova Cut Nova Flat Nova Mono Nova Oval Nova Round Nova Script Nova Slim Nova Square Numans Nunito Nunito Sans Odor Mean Chey Offside Old Standard TT Oldenburg Oleo Script Oleo Script Swash Caps Open Sans Open Sans Condensed Oranienbaum Orbitron Oregano Orienta Original Surfer Oswald Over the Rainbow Overlock Overlock SC Overpass Overpass Mono Ovo Oxygen Oxygen Mono PT Mono PT Sans PT Sans Caption PT Sans Narrow PT Serif PT Serif Caption Pacifico Padauk Palanquin Palanquin Dark Pangolin Paprika Parisienne Passero One Passion One Pathway Gothic One Patrick Hand Patrick Hand SC Pattaya Patua One Pavanam Paytone One Peddana Peralta Permanent Marker Petit Formal Script Petrona Philosopher Piedra Pinyon Script Pirata One Plaster Play Playball Playfair Display Playfair Display SC Podkova Poiret One Poller One Poly Pompiere Pontano Sans Poppins Port Lligat Sans Port Lligat Slab Pragati Narrow Prata Preahvihear Press Start 2P Pridi Princess Sofia Prociono Prompt Prosto One Proza Libre Puritan Purple Purse Quando Quantico Quattrocento Quattrocento Sans Questrial Quicksand Quintessential Qwigley Racing Sans One Radley Rajdhani Rakkas Raleway Raleway Dots Ramabhadra Ramaraja Rambla Rammetto One Ranchers Rancho Ranga Rasa Rationale Ravi Prakash Redressed Reem Kufi Reenie Beanie Revalia Rhodium Libre Ribeye Ribeye Marrow Righteous Risque Roboto Roboto Condensed Roboto Mono Roboto Slab Rochester Rock Salt Rokkitt Romanesco Ropa Sans Rosario Rosarivo Rouge Script Rozha One Rubik Rubik Mono One Ruda Rufina Ruge Boogie Ruluko Rum Raisin Ruslan Display Russo One Ruthie Rye Sacramento Sahitya Sail Saira Saira Condensed Saira Extra Condensed Saira Semi Condensed Salsa Sanchez Sancreek Sansita Sarala Sarina Sarpanch Satisfy Scada Scheherazade Schoolbell Scope One Seaweed Script Secular One Sedgwick Ave Sedgwick Ave Display Sevillana Seymour One Shadows Into Light Shadows Into Light Two Shanti Share Share Tech Share Tech Mono Shojumaru Short Stack Shrikhand Siemreap Sigmar One Signika Signika Negative Simonetta Sintony Sirin Stencil Six Caps Skranji Slabo 13px Slabo 27px Slackey Smokum Smythe Sniglet Snippet Snowburst One Sofadi One Sofia Sonsie One Sorts Mill Goudy Source Code Pro Source Sans Pro Source Serif Pro Space Mono Special Elite Spectral Spicy Rice Spinnaker Spirax Squada One Sree Krushnadevaraya Sriracha Stalemate Stalinist One Stardos Stencil Stint Ultra Condensed Stint Ultra Expanded Stoke Strait Sue Ellen Francisco Suez One Sumana Sunshiney Supermercado One Sura Suranna Suravaram Suwannaphum Swanky and Moo Moo Syncopate Tangerine Taprom Tauri Taviraj Teko Telex Tenali Ramakrishna Tenor Sans Text Me One The Girl Next Door Tienne Tillana Timmana Tinos Titan One Titillium Web Trade Winds Trirong Trocchi Trochut Trykker Tulpen One Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Ubuntu Mono Ultra Uncial Antiqua Underdog Unica One UnifrakturCook UnifrakturMaguntia Unkempt Unlock Unna VT323 Vampiro One Varela Varela Round Vast Shadow Vesper Libre Vibur Vidaloka Viga Voces Volkhov Vollkorn Voltaire Waiting for the Sunrise Wallpoet Walter Turncoat Warnes Wellfleet Wendy One Wire One Work Sans Yanone Kaffeesatz Yantramanav Yatra One Yellowtail Yeseva One Yesteryear Yrsa Zeyada Zilla Slab Zilla Slab Highlight Font Weight: ThinUltra LightLightRegularMediumSemi BoldBoldUltra BoldHeavy Font Style: Line Color: Choose Custom Color Line Style: soliddoubledotteddashedwavy Choose a custom font to use for the Blockquote. All Google web fonts are available, or you can upload your own custom font files. Blockquote Text Alignment: LeftCenterRightJustified Align the Blockquote to the left, right, center or justify. Blockquote Text Color: Choose Custom Color Pick a color to be used for the Blockquote text. Blockquote Text Size: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Increase or decrease the size of the Blockquote text. Blockquote Letter Spacing: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Letter spacing adjusts the distance between each letter in the Blockquote. Blockquote Line Height: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Line height adjusts the distance between each line of the Blockquote text. This becomes noticeable if the Blockquote is long and wraps onto multiple lines. Blockquote Text Shadow: aA aA aA aA aA Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option. Blockquote Text Shadow Horizontal Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text. Blockquote Text Shadow Vertical Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text. Blockquote Text Shadow Blur Strength: Desktop Tablet Smartphone The higher the value, the bigger the blur, the shadow becomes wider and lighter. Blockquote Text Shadow Color: The color of the shadow. Blockquote Border Weight: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Block quotes are given a border to separate them from normal text. You can increase or decrease the size of that border using this setting. Blockquote Border Color: Choose Custom Color Block quotes are given a border to separate them from normal text. Pick a color to use for that border. Heading Text H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 Heading Font: Recent Uploaded Default Georgia Times New Roman Arial Trebuchet Verdana ABeeZee Abel Abhaya Libre Abril Fatface Aclonica Acme Actor Adamina Advent Pro Aguafina Script Akronim Aladin Aldrich Alef Alegreya Alegreya SC Alegreya Sans Alegreya Sans SC Alex Brush Alfa Slab One Alice Alike Alike Angular Allan Allerta Allerta Stencil Allura Almendra Almendra Display Almendra SC Amarante Amaranth Amatic SC Amethysta Amiko Amiri Amita Anaheim Andada Andika Angkor Annie Use Your Telescope Anonymous Pro Antic Antic Didone Antic Slab Anton Arapey Arbutus Arbutus Slab Architects Daughter Archivo Archivo Black Archivo Narrow Aref Ruqaa Arima Madurai Arimo Arizonia Armata Arsenal Artifika Arvo Arya Asap Asap Condensed Asar Asset Assistant Astloch Asul Athiti Atma Atomic Age Aubrey Audiowide Autour One Average Average Sans Averia Gruesa Libre Averia Libre Averia Sans Libre Averia Serif Libre Bad Script Bahiana Baloo Baloo Bhai Baloo Bhaijaan Baloo Bhaina Baloo Chettan Baloo Da Baloo Paaji Baloo Tamma Baloo Tammudu Baloo Thambi Balthazar Bangers Barrio Basic Battambang Baumans Bayon Belgrano Bellefair Belleza BenchNine Bentham Berkshire Swash Bevan Bigelow Rules Bigshot One Bilbo Bilbo Swash Caps BioRhyme BioRhyme Expanded Biryani Bitter Black Ops One Bokor Bonbon Boogaloo Bowlby One Bowlby One SC Brawler Bree Serif Bubblegum Sans Bubbler One Buda Buenard Bungee Bungee Hairline Bungee Inline Bungee Outline Bungee Shade Butcherman Butterfly Kids Cabin Cabin Condensed Cabin Sketch Caesar Dressing Cagliostro Cairo Calligraffitti Cambay Cambo Candal Cantarell Cantata One Cantora One Capriola Cardo Carme Carrois Gothic Carrois Gothic SC Carter One Catamaran Caudex Caveat Caveat Brush Cedarville Cursive Ceviche One Changa Changa One Chango Chathura Chau Philomene One Chela One Chelsea Market Chenla Cherry Cream Soda Cherry Swash Chewy Chicle Chivo Chonburi Cinzel Cinzel Decorative Clicker Script Coda Coda Caption Codystar Coiny Combo Comfortaa Coming Soon Concert One Condiment Content Contrail One Convergence Cookie Copse Corben Cormorant Cormorant Garamond Cormorant Infant Cormorant SC Cormorant Unicase Cormorant Upright Courgette Cousine Coustard Covered By Your Grace Crafty Girls Creepster Crete Round Crimson Text Croissant One Crushed Cuprum Cutive Cutive Mono Damion Dancing Script Dangrek David Libre Dawning of a New Day Days One Dekko Delius Delius Swash Caps Delius Unicase Della Respira Denk One Devonshire Dhurjati Didact Gothic Diplomata Diplomata SC Domine Donegal One Doppio One Dorsa Dosis Dr Sugiyama Droid Sans Droid Sans Mono Droid Serif Duru Sans Dynalight EB Garamond Eagle Lake Eater Economica Eczar El Messiri Electrolize Elsie Elsie Swash Caps Emblema One Emilys Candy Encode Sans Encode Sans Condensed Encode Sans Expanded Encode Sans Semi Condensed Encode Sans Semi Expanded Engagement Englebert Enriqueta Erica One Esteban Euphoria Script Ewert Exo Exo 2 Expletus Sans Fanwood Text Farsan Fascinate Fascinate Inline Faster One Fasthand Fauna One Faustina Federant Federo Felipa Fenix Finger Paint Fira Mono Fira Sans Fira Sans Condensed Fira Sans Extra Condensed Fjalla One Fjord One Flamenco Flavors Fondamento Fontdiner Swanky Forum Francois One Frank Ruhl Libre Freckle Face Fredericka the Great Fredoka One Freehand Fresca Frijole Fruktur Fugaz One GFS Didot GFS Neohellenic Gabriela Gafata Galada Galdeano Galindo Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Geo Geostar Geostar Fill Germania One Gidugu Gilda Display Give You Glory Glass Antiqua Glegoo Gloria Hallelujah Goblin One Gochi Hand Gorditas Goudy Bookletter 1911 Graduate Grand Hotel Gravitas One Great Vibes Griffy Gruppo Gudea Gurajada Habibi Halant Hammersmith One Hanalei Hanalei Fill Handlee Hanuman Happy Monkey Harmattan Headland One Heebo Henny Penny Herr Von Muellerhoff Hind Hind Guntur Hind Madurai Hind Siliguri Hind Vadodara Holtwood One SC Homemade Apple Homenaje IM Fell DW Pica IM Fell DW Pica SC IM Fell Double Pica IM Fell Double Pica SC IM Fell English IM Fell English SC IM Fell French Canon IM Fell French Canon SC IM Fell Great Primer IM Fell Great Primer SC Iceberg Iceland Imprima Inconsolata Inder Indie Flower Inika Inknut Antiqua Irish Grover Istok Web Italiana Italianno Itim Jacques Francois Jacques Francois Shadow Jaldi Jim Nightshade Jockey One Jolly Lodger Jomhuria Josefin Sans Josefin Slab Joti One Judson Julee Julius Sans One Junge Jura Just Another Hand Just Me Again Down Here Kadwa Kalam Kameron Kanit Kantumruy Karla Karma Katibeh Kaushan Script Kavivanar Kavoon Kdam Thmor Keania One Kelly Slab Kenia Khand Khmer Khula Kite One Knewave Kotta One Koulen Kranky Kreon Kristi Krona One Kumar One Kumar One Outline Kurale La Belle Aurore Laila Lakki Reddy Lalezar Lancelot Lateef Lato League Script Leckerli One Ledger Lekton Lemon Lemonada Libre Barcode 128 Libre Barcode 128 Text Libre Barcode 39 Libre Barcode 39 Extended Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text Libre Barcode 39 Text Libre Baskerville Libre Franklin Life Savers Lilita One Lily Script One Limelight Linden Hill Lobster Lobster Two Londrina Outline Londrina Shadow Londrina Sketch Londrina Solid Lora Love Ya Like A Sister Loved by the King Lovers Quarrel Luckiest Guy Lusitana Lustria Macondo Macondo Swash Caps Mada Magra Maiden Orange Maitree Mako Mallanna Mandali Manuale Marcellus Marcellus SC Marck Script Margarine Marko One Marmelad Martel Martel Sans Marvel Mate Mate SC Maven Pro McLaren Meddon MedievalSharp Medula One Meera Inimai Megrim Meie Script Merienda Merienda One Merriweather Merriweather Sans Metal Metal Mania Metamorphous Metrophobic Michroma Milonga Miltonian Miltonian Tattoo Miniver Miriam Libre Mirza Miss Fajardose Mitr Modak Modern Antiqua Mogra Molengo Molle Monda Monofett Monoton Monsieur La Doulaise Montaga Montez Montserrat Montserrat Alternates Montserrat Subrayada Moul Moulpali Mountains of Christmas Mouse Memoirs Mr Bedfort Mr Dafoe Mr De Haviland Mrs Saint Delafield Mrs Sheppards Mukta Mukta Mahee Mukta Malar Mukta Vaani Muli Mystery Quest NTR Neucha Neuton New Rocker News Cycle Niconne Nixie One Nobile Nokora Norican Nosifer Nothing You Could Do Noticia Text Noto Sans Noto Serif Nova Cut Nova Flat Nova Mono Nova Oval Nova Round Nova Script Nova Slim Nova Square Numans Nunito Nunito Sans Odor Mean Chey Offside Old Standard TT Oldenburg Oleo Script Oleo Script Swash Caps Open Sans Open Sans Condensed Oranienbaum Orbitron Oregano Orienta Original Surfer Oswald Over the Rainbow Overlock Overlock SC Overpass Overpass Mono Ovo Oxygen Oxygen Mono PT Mono PT Sans PT Sans Caption PT Sans Narrow PT Serif PT Serif Caption Pacifico Padauk Palanquin Palanquin Dark Pangolin Paprika Parisienne Passero One Passion One Pathway Gothic One Patrick Hand Patrick Hand SC Pattaya Patua One Pavanam Paytone One Peddana Peralta Permanent Marker Petit Formal Script Petrona Philosopher Piedra Pinyon Script Pirata One Plaster Play Playball Playfair Display Playfair Display SC Podkova Poiret One Poller One Poly Pompiere Pontano Sans Poppins Port Lligat Sans Port Lligat Slab Pragati Narrow Prata Preahvihear Press Start 2P Pridi Princess Sofia Prociono Prompt Prosto One Proza Libre Puritan Purple Purse Quando Quantico Quattrocento Quattrocento Sans Questrial Quicksand Quintessential Qwigley Racing Sans One Radley Rajdhani Rakkas Raleway Raleway Dots Ramabhadra Ramaraja Rambla Rammetto One Ranchers Rancho Ranga Rasa Rationale Ravi Prakash Redressed Reem Kufi Reenie Beanie Revalia Rhodium Libre Ribeye Ribeye Marrow Righteous Risque Roboto Roboto Condensed Roboto Mono Roboto Slab Rochester Rock Salt Rokkitt Romanesco Ropa Sans Rosario Rosarivo Rouge Script Rozha One Rubik Rubik Mono One Ruda Rufina Ruge Boogie Ruluko Rum Raisin Ruslan Display Russo One Ruthie Rye Sacramento Sahitya Sail Saira Saira Condensed Saira Extra Condensed Saira Semi Condensed Salsa Sanchez Sancreek Sansita Sarala Sarina Sarpanch Satisfy Scada Scheherazade Schoolbell Scope One Seaweed Script Secular One Sedgwick Ave Sedgwick Ave Display Sevillana Seymour One Shadows Into Light Shadows Into Light Two Shanti Share Share Tech Share Tech Mono Shojumaru Short Stack Shrikhand Siemreap Sigmar One Signika Signika Negative Simonetta Sintony Sirin Stencil Six Caps Skranji Slabo 13px Slabo 27px Slackey Smokum Smythe Sniglet Snippet Snowburst One Sofadi One Sofia Sonsie One Sorts Mill Goudy Source Code Pro Source Sans Pro Source Serif Pro Space Mono Special Elite Spectral Spicy Rice Spinnaker Spirax Squada One Sree Krushnadevaraya Sriracha Stalemate Stalinist One Stardos Stencil Stint Ultra Condensed Stint Ultra Expanded Stoke Strait Sue Ellen Francisco Suez One Sumana Sunshiney Supermercado One Sura Suranna Suravaram Suwannaphum Swanky and Moo Moo Syncopate Tangerine Taprom Tauri Taviraj Teko Telex Tenali Ramakrishna Tenor Sans Text Me One The Girl Next Door Tienne Tillana Timmana Tinos Titan One Titillium Web Trade Winds Trirong Trocchi Trochut Trykker Tulpen One Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Ubuntu Mono Ultra Uncial Antiqua Underdog Unica One UnifrakturCook UnifrakturMaguntia Unkempt Unlock Unna VT323 Vampiro One Varela Varela Round Vast Shadow Vesper Libre Vibur Vidaloka Viga Voces Volkhov Vollkorn Voltaire Waiting for the Sunrise Wallpoet Walter Turncoat Warnes Wellfleet Wendy One Wire One Work Sans Yanone Kaffeesatz Yantramanav Yatra One Yellowtail Yeseva One Yesteryear Yrsa Zeyada Zilla Slab Zilla Slab Highlight Font Weight: ThinUltra LightLightRegularMediumSemi BoldBoldUltra BoldHeavy Font Style: Line Color: Choose Custom Color Line Style: soliddoubledotteddashedwavy Choose a custom font to use for the Heading. All Google web fonts are available, or you can upload your own custom font files. Heading Text Alignment: LeftCenterRightJustified Align the Heading to the left, right, center or justify. Heading Text Color: Choose Custom Color Pick a color to be used for the Heading text. Heading Text Size: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Increase or decrease the size of the Heading text. Heading Letter Spacing: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Letter spacing adjusts the distance between each letter in the Heading. Heading Line Height: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Line height adjusts the distance between each line of the Heading text. This becomes noticeable if the Heading is long and wraps onto multiple lines. Heading Text Shadow: aA aA aA aA aA Pick a text shadow style to enable text shadow for this element. Once enabled, you will be able to customize your text shadow style further. To disable custom text shadow style, choose the None option. Heading Text Shadow Horizontal Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s horizontal distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow to the left of the text. Heading Text Shadow Vertical Length: Desktop Tablet Smartphone Shadow’s vertical distance from the text. A negative value places the shadow above the text. Heading Text Shadow Blur Strength: Desktop Tablet Smartphone The higher the value, the bigger the blur, the shadow becomes wider and lighter. Heading Text Shadow Color: The color of the shadow. Heading 2 Font: Recent Uploaded Default Georgia Times New Roman Arial Trebuchet Verdana ABeeZee Abel Abhaya Libre Abril Fatface Aclonica Acme Actor Adamina Advent Pro Aguafina Script Akronim Aladin Aldrich Alef Alegreya Alegreya SC Alegreya Sans Alegreya Sans SC Alex Brush Alfa Slab One Alice Alike Alike Angular Allan Allerta Allerta Stencil Allura Almendra Almendra Display Almendra SC Amarante Amaranth Amatic SC Amethysta Amiko Amiri Amita Anaheim Andada Andika Angkor Annie Use Your Telescope Anonymous Pro Antic Antic Didone Antic Slab Anton Arapey Arbutus Arbutus Slab Architects Daughter Archivo Archivo Black Archivo Narrow Aref Ruqaa Arima Madurai Arimo Arizonia Armata Arsenal Artifika Arvo Arya Asap Asap Condensed Asar Asset Assistant Astloch Asul Athiti Atma Atomic Age Aubrey Audiowide Autour One Average Average Sans Averia Gruesa Libre Averia Libre Averia Sans Libre Averia Serif Libre Bad Script Bahiana Baloo Baloo Bhai Baloo Bhaijaan Baloo Bhaina Baloo Chettan Baloo Da Baloo Paaji Baloo Tamma Baloo Tammudu Baloo Thambi Balthazar Bangers Barrio Basic Battambang Baumans Bayon Belgrano Bellefair Belleza BenchNine Bentham Berkshire Swash Bevan Bigelow Rules Bigshot One Bilbo Bilbo Swash Caps BioRhyme BioRhyme Expanded Biryani Bitter Black Ops One Bokor Bonbon Boogaloo Bowlby One Bowlby One SC Brawler Bree Serif Bubblegum Sans Bubbler One Buda Buenard Bungee Bungee Hairline Bungee Inline Bungee Outline Bungee Shade Butcherman Butterfly Kids Cabin Cabin Condensed Cabin Sketch Caesar Dressing Cagliostro Cairo Calligraffitti Cambay Cambo Candal Cantarell Cantata One Cantora One Capriola Cardo Carme Carrois Gothic Carrois Gothic SC Carter One Catamaran Caudex Caveat Caveat Brush Cedarville Cursive Ceviche One Changa Changa One Chango Chathura Chau Philomene One Chela One Chelsea Market Chenla Cherry Cream Soda Cherry Swash Chewy Chicle Chivo Chonburi Cinzel Cinzel Decorative Clicker Script Coda Coda Caption Codystar Coiny Combo Comfortaa Coming Soon Concert One Condiment Content Contrail One Convergence Cookie Copse Corben Cormorant Cormorant Garamond Cormorant Infant Cormorant SC Cormorant Unicase Cormorant Upright Courgette Cousine Coustard Covered By Your Grace Crafty Girls Creepster Crete Round Crimson Text Croissant One Crushed Cuprum Cutive Cutive Mono Damion Dancing Script Dangrek David Libre Dawning of a New Day Days One Dekko Delius Delius Swash Caps Delius Unicase Della Respira Denk One Devonshire Dhurjati Didact Gothic Diplomata Diplomata SC Domine Donegal One Doppio One Dorsa Dosis Dr Sugiyama Droid Sans Droid Sans Mono Droid Serif Duru Sans Dynalight EB Garamond Eagle Lake Eater Economica Eczar El Messiri Electrolize Elsie Elsie Swash Caps Emblema One Emilys Candy Encode Sans Encode Sans Condensed Encode Sans Expanded Encode Sans Semi Condensed Encode Sans Semi Expanded Engagement Englebert Enriqueta Erica One Esteban Euphoria Script Ewert Exo Exo 2 Expletus Sans Fanwood Text Farsan Fascinate Fascinate Inline Faster One Fasthand Fauna One Faustina Federant Federo Felipa Fenix Finger Paint Fira Mono Fira Sans Fira Sans Condensed Fira Sans Extra Condensed Fjalla One Fjord One Flamenco Flavors Fondamento Fontdiner Swanky Forum Francois One Frank Ruhl Libre Freckle Face Fredericka the Great Fredoka One Freehand Fresca Frijole Fruktur Fugaz One GFS Didot GFS Neohellenic Gabriela Gafata Galada Galdeano Galindo Gentium Basic Gentium Book Basic Geo Geostar Geostar Fill Germania One Gidugu Gilda Display Give You Glory Glass Antiqua Glegoo Gloria Hallelujah Goblin One Gochi Hand Gorditas Goudy Bookletter 1911 Graduate Grand Hotel Gravitas One Great Vibes Griffy Gruppo Gudea Gurajada Habibi Halant Hammersmith One Hanalei Hanalei Fill Handlee Hanuman Happy Monkey Harmattan Headland One Heebo Henny Penny Herr Von Muellerhoff Hind Hind Guntur Hind Madurai Hind Siliguri Hind Vadodara Holtwood One SC Homemade Apple Homenaje IM Fell DW Pica IM Fell DW Pica SC IM Fell Double Pica IM Fell Double Pica SC IM Fell English IM Fell English SC IM Fell French Canon IM Fell French Canon SC IM Fell Great Primer IM Fell Great Primer SC Iceberg Iceland Imprima Inconsolata Inder Indie Flower Inika Inknut Antiqua Irish Grover Istok Web Italiana Italianno Itim Jacques Francois Jacques Francois Shadow Jaldi Jim Nightshade Jockey One Jolly Lodger Jomhuria Josefin Sans Josefin Slab Joti One Judson Julee Julius Sans One Junge Jura Just Another Hand Just Me Again Down Here Kadwa Kalam Kameron Kanit Kantumruy Karla Karma Katibeh Kaushan Script Kavivanar Kavoon Kdam Thmor Keania One Kelly Slab Kenia Khand Khmer Khula Kite One Knewave Kotta One Koulen Kranky Kreon Kristi Krona One Kumar One Kumar One Outline Kurale La Belle Aurore Laila Lakki Reddy Lalezar Lancelot Lateef Lato League Script Leckerli One Ledger Lekton Lemon Lemonada Libre Barcode 128 Libre Barcode 128 Text Libre Barcode 39 Libre Barcode 39 Extended Libre Barcode 39 Extended Text Libre Barcode 39 Text Libre Baskerville Libre Franklin Life Savers Lilita One Lily Script One Limelight Linden Hill Lobster Lobster Two Londrina Outline Londrina Shadow Londrina Sketch Londrina Solid Lora Love Ya Like A Sister Loved by the King Lovers Quarrel Luckiest Guy Lusitana Lustria Macondo Macondo Swash Caps Mada Magra Maiden Orange Maitree Mako Mallanna Mandali Manuale Marcellus Marcellus SC Marck Script Margarine Marko One Marmelad Martel Martel Sans Marvel Mate Mate SC Maven Pro McLaren Meddon MedievalSharp Medula One Meera Inimai Megrim Meie Script Merienda Merienda One Merriweather Merriweather Sans Metal Metal Mania Metamorphous Metrophobic Michroma Milonga Miltonian Miltonian Tattoo Miniver Miriam Libre Mirza Miss Fajardose Mitr Modak Modern Antiqua Mogra Molengo Molle Monda Monofett Monoton Monsieur La Doulaise Montaga Montez Montserrat Montserrat Alternates Montserrat Subrayada Moul Moulpali Mountains of Christmas Mouse Memoirs Mr Bedfort Mr Dafoe Mr De Haviland Mrs Saint Delafield Mrs Sheppards Mukta Mukta Mahee Mukta Malar Mukta Vaani Muli Mystery Quest NTR Neucha Neuton New Rocker News Cycle Niconne Nixie One Nobile Nokora Norican Nosifer Nothing You Could Do Noticia Text Noto Sans Noto Serif Nova Cut Nova Flat Nova Mono Nova Oval Nova Round Nova Script Nova Slim Nova Square Numans Nunito Nunito Sans Odor Mean Chey Offside Old Standard TT Oldenburg Oleo Script Oleo Script Swash Caps Open Sans Open Sans Condensed Oranienbaum Orbitron Oregano Orienta Original Surfer Oswald Over the Rainbow Overlock Overlock SC Overpass Overpass Mono Ovo Oxygen Oxygen Mono PT Mono PT Sans PT Sans Caption PT Sans Narrow PT Serif PT Serif Caption Pacifico Padauk Palanquin Palanquin Dark Pangolin Paprika Parisienne Passero One Passion One Pathway Gothic One Patrick Hand Patrick Hand SC Pattaya Patua One Pavanam Paytone One Peddana Peralta Permanent Marker Petit Formal Script Petrona Philosopher Piedra Pinyon Script Pirata One Plaster Play Playball Playfair Display Playfair Display SC Podkova Poiret One Poller One Poly Pompiere Pontano Sans Poppins Port Lligat Sans Port Lligat Slab Pragati Narrow Prata Preahvihear Press Start 2P Pridi Princess Sofia Prociono Prompt Prosto One Proza Libre Puritan Purple Purse Quando Quantico Quattrocento Quattrocento Sans Questrial Quicksand Quintessential Qwigley Racing Sans One Radley Rajdhani Rakkas Raleway Raleway Dots Ramabhadra Ramaraja Rambla Rammetto One Ranchers Rancho Ranga Rasa Rationale Ravi Prakash Redressed Reem Kufi Reenie Beanie Revalia Rhodium Libre Ribeye Ribeye Marrow Righteous Risque Roboto Roboto Condensed Roboto Mono Roboto Slab Rochester Rock Salt Rokkitt Romanesco Ropa Sans Rosario Rosarivo Rouge Script Rozha One Rubik Rubik Mono One Ruda Rufina Ruge Boogie Ruluko Rum Raisin Ruslan Display Russo One Ruthie Rye Sacramento Sahitya Sail Saira Saira Condensed Saira Extra Condensed Saira Semi Condensed Salsa Sanchez Sancreek Sansita Sarala Sarina Sarpanch Satisfy Scada Scheherazade Schoolbell Scope One Seaweed Script Secular One Sedgwick Ave Sedgwick Ave Display Sevillana Seymour One Shadows Into Light Shadows Into Light Two Shanti Share Share Tech Share Tech Mono Shojumaru Short Stack Shrikhand Siemreap Sigmar One Signika Signika Negative Simonetta Sintony Sirin Stencil Six Caps Skranji Slabo 13px Slabo 27px Slackey Smokum Smythe Sniglet Snippet Snowburst One Sofadi One Sofia Sonsie One Sorts Mill Goudy Source Code Pro Source Sans Pro Source Serif Pro Space Mono Special Elite Spectral Spicy Rice Spinnaker Spirax Squada One Sree Krushnadevaraya Sriracha Stalemate Stalinist One Stardos Stencil Stint Ultra Condensed Stint Ultra Expanded Stoke Strait Sue Ellen Francisco Suez One Sumana Sunshiney Supermercado One Sura Suranna Suravaram Suwannaphum Swanky and Moo Moo Syncopate Tangerine Taprom Tauri Taviraj Teko Telex Tenali Ramakrishna Tenor Sans Text Me One The Girl Next Door Tienne Tillana Timmana Tinos Titan One Titillium Web Trade Winds Trirong Trocchi Trochut Trykker Tulpen One Ubuntu Ubuntu Condensed Ubuntu Mono Ultra Uncial Antiqua Underdog Unica One 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