It’s our 65th … Join our Celebration!!
Join our celebration!
We are proud of our tremendous success these past six-and-a-half decades of preserving and protecting open space in Darien for all to enjoy … forever.
Working together today we can ensure open spaces are protected for tomorrow’s generations.
Anniversary Happenings … come explore with us!
Take our Trails Challenge and explore a new place …Visit our shorebirds and turtles on our lakeside trails …Walk or run our 10k Anniversary Loop …. View our Visionary Anniversary Video Series …. Follow us @darienlandtrust
Darien Land Trust 65th Anniversary: History in Images
Anniversary Happenings
We want to celebrate with you, and throughout our anniversary year we’re offering opportunities and programs to experience our preserved lands, observe our wildlife and learn about protecting nature in Darien. Everyone is invited to follow us online and come join our programs!
If you haven’t already registered from the Challenge please do so by clicking the button below.
This Fall, join the Land Trust for the 65th Running Challenge from October 2 – 31.
– Event kicks off at Highland Farm Rocktoberfest October 2
-I0k Challenge starts and finishes at Highland Farm …. scan QR code on Welcome Sign to register
-Traverse scenic backroads past beautiful properties, including Mather Meadows and Waterbury Field
-Registered Challengers are eligible for prizes to be announced on website and social media November 2
Meet the leaders and visionaries of the Land Trust, past and present, during our 65th Video Series, which kicks off May 15. These extraordinary individuals made possible the preservation of six landmark properties, including Dunlap Woods, Mather Meadows, Waterbury Field, The Trails at Cherry Lawn, Olson Woods and Brendan’s Meadow.
Join us for the 65th Trails Challenge from May 15 to July 31.
-Register by scanning the QR code on the welcome sign at each of our three properties with walking trails – Olson Woods, the Trails at Cherry Lawn and Dunlap Woods
-Walk all three properties to be entered into a prize drawing – including grand prize iPhone 12 – announced on DLT website and social media August 2
-Shutterbugs post photos on social media using #darienlandtrust65
Olson Woods
Dunlap Woods
Cherry Lawn
65th Anniversary Interview Series
Dunlap Compass with Chris Filmer and Beth Harmon
Overview from the Presidents – John O’Brien and Erika Morris
Mather Meadow Interview with Terrie Wood and Jay Shutts
Dunlap Bridge with Chris Filmer and Beth Harmon
Olson Fish Story with Dan Frelinghuysen
Waterbury Field Interview with Shirley Nichols and Tom Spellane
Dunlap Woods Interview with Chris Filmer and Beth Harmon
Cherry Lawn Interview with Ed Cosden and Nina Miller
Olson Woods With Den Frelinghuysen and Linda Ferguson
Brendan’s Overview with Flip Huffard and Robert Arrix
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